
Construction and real estate

Construction and real estate

Specialization is essential Find out more. Construction and real estate The development of infrastructure, numerous modernization and restructuring projects increase the growth of the construction and real estate sector. This area of market is wide and needs both...

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Customer service

Customer service

Specialization is essential Find out more. Customer service We specialize in recruitment for Customer Service Departments and Call Centres in any industry. Our team has experience in checking skills and abilities that allow candidates to start work in positions...

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Staff and wages

Staff and wages

Specialization is essential Find out more. HR and payroll For Customers looking for payroll and HR specialists, we carry out recruitment projects associated with creating teams of experts experienced in the HR and payroll area. Persons occupying positions associated...

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IT and Telecommunications

IT and Telecommunications

Specialization is essential Find out more. IT and Telecommunications Our activities focus on comprehensive support of Customers from the IT and telecommunications industry. Our team dedicated to IT and telecommunications project recruits people to positions that...

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HR and Administration

HR and Administration

Specialization is essential Find out more. HR and administration The strength of any company are the people who create it. Thanks to them, it can grow and become the leader in its industry, leaving the competition far behind. Meticulous reaching out to employed people...

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Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing

Specialization is essential Find out more. Sales and marketing Effective sales and marketing activities begin not when building project strategies, but much earlier – at the stage where we are recruiting form positions related to sales and marketing. Finding the best...

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Specialization is essential Find out more. Trade Trade is one of the most dynamically developing areas of economy, leading to increased demand for committed employees. Our Consultants know the realities of the market and track its changes. Because of that, for many...

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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie podanych przeze mnie danych osobowych przez Grupę Progres Sp. z o.o. Administratora danych osobowych, w celach związanych z uczestnictwem w konferencjach i innych wydarzeniach oraz w celach marketingowych i statystycznych, przesłania informacji handlowych. Wyrażam zgodę na udostępnienie moich danych osobowych partnerom Grupy Progres Sp. z o.o, w celu otrzymywania od nich informacji handlowych. Więcej informacji na temat celu i sposobu przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych przez Grupę Progres Sp. z o.o znajduje się TUTAJ.